YOU SEE THAT!!! Thats my AWESOME FACE!! BAM erase that one, and by that one I mean the Title, you know the giant words at the top!! :) Wait you can't cuz(<--- that der is what we country folk call proper english) its password protected, like my ipod. Now your next concern will be, well it's not proper english, just look at it. It has periods between every word. To this I say... watch this.
Nate, both a noun and a verb, the noun being me, the verb being the jaw dropping awe-inspiring dance move they named after me, see its a sentence.
Is, well the noun is clearly I, and the verb you may ask? Making an 'S' with your body is DEFINITELY doing SOMETHING.
The, (sentence fragment consider revising.)
SHIZ, well there is no period so it is not a sentence.
Well Mr. Durham if you are reading this, it is dedicated to you, look at that you headlined my FIRST ever blog post. An honor you should never forget.
Nate aka The Shiz